Do you struggle to integrate a regular meditation practice into your daily life? Is your concept of meditation and mindfulness with the idea that you must be able to sit cross-legged for prolonged periods of time and instantly quieten your mind?
Let us do a bit of reframing around meditation so you can see how easy it is for you to integrate meditation into your daily life.
When you come to meditation with the intention of focusing on the breath and being more mindful, more present in your everyday life, then you will discover that you can meditate almost anywhere anytime and in a myriad of different ways- simply observing the breath whilst sitting in practice.
You can also be in meditative state whilst walking- walking meditation. You can walk barefoot on the sand and become mindful of the temperature and texture of the sand against your bare skin. Being in nature in silence and observing the intricate details of a flower, leaves on a tree, the veins in a rock, the sound of lapping water, a feather blowing in the wind or simply observing the clouds passing by.
When you touch one thing with deep awareness, you touch everything.
– Thich Nhat Hanh
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